By visiting my website, data is being transferred and may be stored and/or used. this also applies if you click any links within my site, like the social media icons. The following secion explains what happens with your data.
This Website uses ssl encryption to make sure your transfered data is protected as good as possible during your visit
general info
for full details on GDPR itself, like the exact terminology, how and where it applies and all of its fine details:
The quick and very important of it is however, if you want your data to not be stored anymore, you will need to get in contact with the involved third parties mentioned below!
What do i do with your data?
i personally do not collect any data, nor do i have access to the servers and databases involved in all the backend processes happening behind the curtains. if you send me a mail, it will end up in my email inbox. i will not forward or use any of your mail adresses, your personal data, your messages and whatever you send me for any means or to any third parties, unless requested by yourself specifically.
What do third parties involved with this site do with your data?
this website itself was made with adobe portfolio. adobe may collect log and session data. i am not in control of how adobe handles your data. This applies to the website itself aswell as the contact form embedded within the "contact" page.
To check out Adobes policy, and how they handle and process your data go to:
if you contact me via my email adress, your mail will pass through and end up on google's servers. as stated above, i will not foward your data to any third party. However i am not in control of google's servers and services.
to check out googles policy and how they handle your data, see:
by clicking any of the links or social media icons, you will be redirected to the associated pages. same as above, i have no control about how the target pages handle your personal data.
For al of meta, like Facebook and Instagram:
for tumblr:
For youtube:
For soundcloud:
lorenz hammel - vienna